Monday, August 9, 2010

Saturday - monday

on saturday i went to my older cousins house and told her about this assignment and i asked her if she could help, so she grabbed a couple of her uni books and found two labelled diagrams of the human skeleton.

on monday in class we were supposed to work on our assignments but the laptops had a problem with them so instead we worked from our textbook. in the time that sir took to decide what we were going to do instead work on our assignments, our group had discussed what we were going to do for our presentation. we've decided that everyone would answer 2 of the 7 questions exept for me. im only answering 1 question and instead im going to make the class handout. were going to make a film for the presentation. if all goes as planned we would do the filming on saturday the 21st of august @ either a park near rachaels house or the park near the school...

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